With a degree in urban planning and molecular biochemistry, Françoise Nyssen joined “Actes Sud” publishing in 1978, where she was president of the board from 1987 to 2022. A publisher concerned with the living world, the creation of collections such as “Domaine du Possible”, “Mondes sauvages”, among others, has allowed the emergence of authors committed to the environmental transition. She is one of the founding members of the Cultural Association of Méjan in Arles where she lives, and founded there with Jean-Paul Capitani the School of “Domaine du Possible”.
Between 2017 and 2018, she was Minister of Culture and mobilized in particular for access to culture for all. At the origin of the Festival “Agir pour le Vivant” in Arles, she also presides over the association “Éclat”, organizer of the Festival d'Aurillac as well as the management association of the Festival d'Avignon, she is an officer of the order of the Legion of Honor.
She continues her commitment to the ecological transition by chairing Neede-ODYSSEO.